Have you ever received a letter in the mail from the car manufacturer? It usually informs you that a part of your car needs to be fixed and they would gladly replace it for you free of charge. This is a recall. Out of so many cars, this part has failed to work correctly and has caused a fire to happen. Please just bring the car in and they will fix it. What a nice and gentle reminder that the manufacture who made your car knows what needs to be fixed and how to fix it.
God knows there is a part that needs to be fixed in our lives and God has re-called us again to gather. This gentle re-call is our reminder today that the manufacturer who created us knows how to fix the free will driven sinful part of our lives through the life, death and resurrection of Christ. WHAT DID YOU COME HERE FOR? Was there a gentle reminder to go and worship God? Did you get a note in the mail that said a part wasn’t working and you needed to go to the original dealer and have that part replaced? Did the cold outside cause you to want to experience the warmth of the Christian community?
Andrew was recalled today by God. Andrew knew there was something wrong and he was looking for something when he left his fishing life to go and follow John the Baptist. He was seeking for something and found it in John out at the Jordan River, south of the Sea of Galilee where he was fishing. He felt called and now he was being recalled by John to follow the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
Andrew ditches John the Baptist when he sees something in Jesus. They were going to learn from their Rabbi; their teacher about God. If you have ever been an apprentice, it takes time to learn what the master wants you to learn. You listen, watch and imitate. So they watch and see that Jesus has something special that dwells in him.
They just start following Jesus. Jesus turned to them and asked them, “What are they looking for?” Why would Jesus ask them this question? Did Jesus see a missing part? Did Jesus know that things just weren’t clicking on all cylinders? Were these men reevaluating their lives? Were they trying to figure out what was their focus and purpose in life?
How did Andrew respond to Jesus? He didn’t give him an answer that reflected an awareness of what it is they really wanted or what they were ultimately looking for. He knew whatever it was; it started in this direction, in the following of Jesus. There wasn’t a great awareness that Jesus would set them free from their sin by dying on the cross; for their understanding of Messiah meant saving them from this political race with the Romans.
Andrew responded with a question to the question of Jesus, “Where are you living?” This question does not mean, “Are you staying at the Motel Jordan or the Capernaum Holiday Inn? The Greek word which is “menei”; which means: “Where are you living, Jesus? What lives inside of you? What is it that gives you such life inside of you?” It’s used 102 times in New Testament and 33 of those times in John. If you ABIDE in My word, then you are truly my disciples;
Jesus turned to them and said; COME AND SEE! There was no great conversion moment, like Peter’s cock crowing or Thomas doubting. They just spent the entire day where he was staying and dwelling in his presence. Then the next day, Andrew invites his brother, Peter, to meet Jesus. Andrew doesn’t rank up there with the main group of disciples. Andrew is often referred to as the brother of Peter; always in his shadow; always playing second fiddle to Simon Peter. Andrew is the quiet behind the scenes guy who is you bank clerk; the guy who changes your tire; the receptionist at the office. No one notices them! But Andrew just kept inviting people to come and see…
- His brother Peter
- The boy who has a few fish in John 6
- He introduced the Greek foreigners to Jesus in John 12
Before every Billy Graham crusade they do something called “Operation Andrew.” People who know Jesus encourage their loved ones who did not to attend the crusade.
You are called to invite them to follow in a very simple and gentle manner by saying, "Come and see". Jesus gently invited you to come over to his house and dwell in this life giving love; perhaps initially just to watch football and then he led them into a deeper way. For every one Peter who is a dynamo; we have hundreds of Andrews who just go about their business of serving and inviting people to COME AND SEE.
Just like the disciples who were called and recalled, we are being RECALLED today! The disciples see what it would take to follow Jesus in dying on the cross and they all flee and run away! Yet Jesus gently recalled them after the resurrection to COME AND SEE again. They will learn about following by FAILING, for all the disciples failed in following and Jesus gently recalled them after the resurrection. Who failed the most and needed to be re-called?
- Judas – the betrayer of Jesus
- Thomas – the doubter of Jesus
- Matthew – the tax collector
- Peter – the denier of Jesus; oh and brother of Andrew!
- Andrew – he brings the boy but has little faith in what Jesus will do with these fish and bread!
Even when they fail to follow Jesus to the cross, Jesus will re-call them after his resurrection to follow again to COME AND SEE. We are being called by God again today to come and see that God wants to dwell with you and for you to be like Andrew, inviting others again and again to meet Jesus.
Jesus invited ordinary people to follow him and we are called again, "RE-CALLED" to this purpose. A part in us isn't functioning correctly without God. We are recalled today and a new heart is installed; the heart of Andrew. Perhaps our head needs a recall in the way we think about God; ourselves or others. Perhaps we are being re-called by the one who created us for God's purpose!
In a world that is very focused and where it is going, are you up to just COME AND SEE? Do you want Jesus to ask you the question, WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Come and see!
Prayer: Gracious God, we hear your voice calling out to us to come and see. As we hear your voice calling out to us to follow, remind us that you do dwell with us in our homes, at work, in school and in church. You have made your home in our hearts and you are re-calling us to follow. We ask you to not recall our sin but recall that it has been placed upon Christ, in his name we pray, Amen!