In a 2007 Mental Floss article, there was an article called the “7 entourages that changed the world.”[i] The article listed seven groups of followers that impacted the world.[ii] The seventh and last group on the list was JESUS & CO. The group of followers of Christ has had an impact on the world because of this one passage. Today’s gospel reading reminds us of where the compassion center is in our faith and who the compassion sender is for others to discover. Jesus is the compassion center and compassion sender.
WHEN JESUS SAW THE CROWD, HE WAS MOVED WITH COMPASSION.[iii] MOVED: splagchnizomai – inner bowels; his guts were twisted about when he saw these uncommitted masses who were sheep without a shepherd and he had great compassion for them. What did his compassion lead him to do? I believe the scripture shows that Christ did three things as a response to the deep compassion that he had for others.
We read in Mark 6:33 that Jesus came off the boat and saw the crowd. He was moved with compassion in that passage it says that before he fed those 5000 people that he taught them. His compassion led him first to teach, even in Matthew 9:35 it says that he was teaching in their synagogues. For the book of Matthew, we read in chapter 5, verse 1 that he also saw the crowds and he TAUGHT them the Sermon on the Mount. All of chapter 5, 6 & 7 are good news to the crowds. His compassion led him to teach them about who they were and to change their perspective on their identity. The crowds had to relearn who they were based on the promises of God and not on the outside circumstances of their lives. Some say people don’t care what you know until they know that you care! Yet Matthew 5-7 reminds us that once people know that you care they do want to know what you know! Compassion should lead us to want to learn more about who we are in the eyes of God.
That’s why on this Father’s Day, we as dads must recommit ourselves to be the primary faith mentor with our spouses to teach our children. Father’s can learn as they go in sharing their faith with their children. Get on your knees and teach them the Lord’s Prayer every night when you lay them down for bed! Pray at meals. Read them the children’s bible story. Teaching is important in all our relationships, that we might learn again whose we are as the people of God.
The Compassion center also was moved so much to also bring healing. It says that Jesus cured every dis-ease and every sickness. JESUS not only had compassion to teach but then he had compassion to heal. That’s why I talked last week the passage that shows that Jesus cured illnesses and healed or made well people with dis-ease. There is a lot of disease in the world. There is a lot of pain that people need to find healing. Jesus heals the past wounds of our parents and Jesus will heal the wounds we as parents are placing upon our children.
That’s why DADS should mark down October 4th for the First Communion class. Too many moms only attend that class. You want to see how God can heal relationships with kids and parents, attend that class together and be reminded that they only thing that can heal the child / parent struggles is God’s grace; you stand next to one another and know that you are forgiven! There are too many kids and I, our Youth Director are focused upon EQUIPPING PARENTS TO BE THE PRIMARY FAITH MENTORS FOR YOUR CHILDREN. We pray for you! We can’t do for you, you can’t do it alone, but God can do something great when you open yourself up to the compassionate Jesus who needs you to influence your children’s faith.
Finally, Jesus had compassion on the crowds and was so moved to teach and to heal but also then to send. The compassion center of our faith becomes the compassion sender. Jesus had compassion upon the crowd and he was moved to send the DISCIPLES TO PRAY TO THE LORD OF THE HARVEST FOR MORE LABORERS. Jesus cared enough not to do it himself. Yes, only his death on the cross ushers in the reign of God over sin, death and the grave. Only Jesus saves, but we are called to be a little Jesus who will sacrifice for others. The Compassion in Jesus welled up where he realized that he couldn’t do this without the hands of others. That is why I want you to know that I am praying for you and your families. I pray for your healing and for your faith development. I also pray for parents to step us in youth ministry as guides and leaders. Just because we’ve hired a youth director, it doesn’t take you all off of the hook. We need parents to be the leaders for their faith with their teens in Crossroads and Senior High Youth group.
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; so pray to the Lord of the harvest for more laborers.
The call to the twelve was to fulfill this mission to TEACH AND HEAL and usher in the reign of God that will be fulfilled someday in our father’s kingdom. God has planted the seed and is continuing to water it with compassion. We are called to learn and love; to teach and heal; to expand our mental capacities and our compassionate hearts.
We planted our garden this May. The kids picked most of the plants, tomatoes as usual. But they wanted broccoli and cauliflower; I picked corn and they picked pickles. Then they each picked two seed packets to plant; onions and zucchini; carrots and pole beans. We haven’t had to water much, but when we did or when we will; they each have their own buckets. They come over and fill up the watering cans from the hose and then off they go; scampering across the yard, spilling some, applying a portion of the water and the general area of the plant. But there is always more water. The source hasn’t run out; the compassion still flows; and there are many who need to be taught and healed. Many are harassed and helpless and need healing, rest and watering.
Let us pray: Gracious God, we pray for your compassion to teach us and heal us, reminding us we are your children. There are many helpless and harassed, and you call us by name and to not do this on our own. Guide us in sharing your compassion, in Jesus name, Amen.