Saturday, September 29, 2007

Luke 16:1-13 - "Scheming Faith"

Jesus is not praising dishonest business dealing. Jesus showed that this “scheming” was a good skill. The word means “prudent” or “wise” or “practical”. Scheming faith is what Jesus is telling the disciples the way to go. We shouldn’t be naive, but look to this shrewd example for faithful service.

I think that there are three main points we can take from this passage that would help us to have prudent faith as we are called to grow this ministry. If we are to continue to develop ministry programs and activities in new ways here at Living Waters, I believe this passage can help us to reach out to the ever growing needs in our community.

First of all, we are called to the take the initiative[i]. This steward was about to be fired and had to settle his outstanding sales accounts with his customer clients. He goes up to them and deals with the final details. He doesn’t just dump responsibilities. He initiates the conversation without informing these two customers that he has been fired.

As a church community, we must encourage our leaders to take the initiative in developing their ministries in new ways. One example was a new person was invited to help with the media preparation for worship on Fridays each week. I told her thank you for her serving before she was about to be trained by our Office Manager and encouraged her to find a partner to team up with so that they could do this area of ministry together. They could rotate the schedule or manage it in a way that would be beneficial to both. We need leaders to take the initiative in new ways.

Secondly, this lesson helps us to see that this manager was willing to cut his commission. One commentator suggests that when he told the person who had to pay one hundred jugs of oil to cut it by fifty percent and the person who owed 100 bags of wheat to cut his bill by twenty percent, the manager was taking a short term lose for a long term gain. He was willingly to lose the short term benefit so that he could be invited into their homes later.

We are called to serve other unconditionally without expecting a return on our investment in relationship because we have been invited into the eternal home. We care for others with love and mercy so that people see we are not asking for anything in return. We don’t serve because we have to but because we know that our eternal home is secure with God. We are free not to worry about our eternal retirement plan.

Finally, this scheming steward was willing to take drastic actions[ii]. We are called again and again to turn our lives around in the direction that God is leading. We might discover that we are called to serve in an area that we never thought we had the gifts for but in an area we truly are called to serve. There will be times when we must confess to one another our mistakes. Then there is the drastic action of coming to worship, being a part of a small group, opening your hands and hearts to received the bread and wine. These actions are drastic compared to the cut throat and rugged individualism of the world.

So be prudent my friends, be practical and see that God will work in the simple ways of the world that might not seem so holier than though.

Let us pray, Gracious God, help us to see that you will provide for us in some very basic ways that don’t seem as holy and innocent.

[i] – sermon points from “Smooth Operator”; changed to fit our setting

[ii] ibid

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